Text Compare

Text comparison apps have become a popular tool for anyone who needs to compare two different pieces of text. These apps make it easy to identify and highlight the differences between two texts, whether they are in a unified or split format. With the added feature of light and dark modes, users can choose a display that is easy on their eyes and fits their preferences.

📝Write Texts

🔃Upload Texts

Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files

File should be in one of listed format: .txt .json .JSON .js .ts
Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files
File should be in one of listed format: .txt .json .JSON .js .ts
  const a = 10
  const a = 10
  const b = 10
  const boo = 10
  const c = () => console.log('foo')
  if(a > 10) {
  if(a === 10) {