Choose the flag

  • global search (g) Finds all the correspondences rather than stopping after the first match

  • A single character of: a, b or c

  • A character except: a, b or c

  • A character in the range: a-z

  • A character not in the range: a-z

  • A character in the range: a-z or A-Z

  • Any single character

  • Alternate - match either a or b

  • Any whitespace character

  • Any non-whitespace character

  • Any digit

  • Any non-digit

  • Any word character

  • Any non-word character

  • Match everything enclosed

  • Capture everything enclosed

  • Zero or one of a

  • Zero or more of a

  • One or more of a

  • Exactly 3 of a

  • 3 or more of a

  • Between 3 and 6 of a

  • Start of string

  • End of string

  • A word boundary

  • Non-word boundary

  • Newline

  • Carriage return

  • Tab

  • Null character

  • Start of match

  • Start of string

  • End of string

  • Start of string

  • End of string

  • Absolute end of string

  • A word boundary

  • Non-word boundary

  • Any single character

  • Alternate - match either a or b

  • Any whitespace character

  • Any non-whitespace character

  • Any digit

  • Any non-digit

  • Any word character

  • Any non-word character

  • Any Unicode sequences, linebreaks included

  • Match one data unit

  • Unicode newlines

  • Match anything but a newline

  • Vertical whitespace character

  • Negation of \v

  • Horizontal whitespace character

  • Negation of \h

  • Reset match

  • Match subpattern number #

  • Unicode property X

  • Unicode property or script category

  • Negation of \pX

  • Negation of \p

  • Quote; treat as literals

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Match nth subpattern

  • Match nth subpattern

  • Match text the nth relative previous subpattern matched

  • Recurse nth capture group

  • Recurse nth relative upcoming subpattern

  • Recurse nth capture group.

  • Recurse nth relative upcoming subpattern

  • Match previously-named capture group `letter`

  • Recurse named capture group `letter`

  • Recurse named capture group `letter`

  • Hex character YY

  • Hex character YYYY

  • Octal character ddd

  • Control character Y

  • Backspace character

  • Makes any character literal

  • Zero or one of a

  • Zero or more of a

  • One or more of a

  • Exactly 3 of a

  • 3 or more of a

  • Between 3 and 6 of a

  • Greedy quantifier

  • Lazy quantifier

  • Possessive quantifier

  • Match everything enclosed

  • Capture everything enclosed

  • Atomic group (non-capturing)

  • Duplicate/reset subpattern group number

  • Comment group

  • Named Capturing Group

  • Named Capturing Group

  • Named Capturing Group

  • Inline modifiers

  • Localized inline modifiers

  • Conditional statement

  • Conditional statement

  • Recursive Conditional statement

  • Conditional statement

  • Lookahead conditional

  • Lookbehind conditional

  • Recurse entire pattern

  • Recurse first subpattern

  • Recurse first relative subpattern

  • Recurse subpattern `name`

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Recurse subpattern called `name`

  • Pre-define patterns before using them

  • Positive Lookahead

  • Negative Lookahead

  • Positive Lookbehind

  • Negative Lookbehind

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • A single character of: a, b or c

  • A character except: a, b or c

  • A character in the range: a-z

  • A character not in the range: a-z

  • A character in the range: a-z or A-Z

  • Letters and digits

  • Letters

  • ASCII codes 0-127

  • Space or tab only

  • Control characters

  • Decimal digits

  • Visible characters (not space)

  • Lowercase letters

  • Visible characters

  • Visible punctuation characters

  • Whitespace

  • Uppercase letters

  • Word characters

  • Hexadecimal digits

  • Start of word

  • End of word

  • Global

  • Multiline

  • Case insensitive

  • Ignore whitespace / verbose

  • Single line

  • Unicode

  • eXtra

  • Ungreedy

  • Anchor

  • Duplicate group names

  • Contents in capture group 1

  • Contents in capture group `foo`

  • Hexadecimal replacement values

  • Hexadecimal replacement values

  • Insert a tab

  • Insert a carriage return

  • Insert a newline

  • Insert a form-feed

  • Uppercase Transformation

  • Lowercase Transformation

  • Terminate any Transformation

  • Newline

  • Carriage return

  • Tab

  • Null character

  • A single character of: a, b or c

  • A character except: a, b or c

  • A character in the range: a-z

  • A character not in the range: a-z

  • A character in the range: a-z or A-Z

  • Letters and digits

  • Letters

  • ASCII codes 0-127

  • Space or tab only

  • Control characters

  • Decimal digits

  • Visible characters (not space)

  • Lowercase letters

  • Visible characters

  • Visible punctuation characters

  • Whitespace

  • Uppercase letters

  • Word characters

  • Hexadecimal digits

  • Start of word

  • End of word

  • Any single character

  • Alternate - match either a or b

  • Any whitespace character

  • Any non-whitespace character

  • Any digit

  • Any non-digit

  • Any word character

  • Any non-word character

  • Any Unicode sequences, linebreaks included

  • Match one data unit

  • Unicode newlines

  • Match anything but a newline

  • Vertical whitespace character

  • Negation of \v

  • Horizontal whitespace character

  • Negation of \h

  • Reset match

  • Match subpattern number #

  • Unicode property X

  • Unicode property or script category

  • Negation of \pX

  • Negation of \p

  • Quote; treat as literals

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Match nth subpattern

  • Match nth subpattern

  • Match text the nth relative previous subpattern matched

  • Recurse nth capture group

  • Recurse nth relative upcoming subpattern

  • Recurse nth capture group.

  • Recurse nth relative upcoming subpattern

  • Match previously-named capture group `letter`

  • Recurse named capture group `letter`

  • Recurse named capture group `letter`

  • Hex character YY

  • Hex character YYYY

  • Octal character ddd

  • Control character Y

  • Backspace character

  • Makes any character literal

  • Match everything enclosed

  • Capture everything enclosed

  • Atomic group (non-capturing)

  • Duplicate/reset subpattern group number

  • Comment group

  • Named Capturing Group

  • Named Capturing Group

  • Named Capturing Group

  • Inline modifiers

  • Localized inline modifiers

  • Conditional statement

  • Conditional statement

  • Recursive Conditional statement

  • Conditional statement

  • Lookahead conditional

  • Lookbehind conditional

  • Recurse entire pattern

  • Recurse first subpattern

  • Recurse first relative subpattern

  • Recurse subpattern `name`

  • Match subpattern `name`

  • Recurse subpattern called `name`

  • Pre-define patterns before using them

  • Positive Lookahead

  • Negative Lookahead

  • Positive Lookbehind

  • Negative Lookbehind

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Control verb

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Pattern modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Line break modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • Regex engine modifier

  • Zero or one of a

  • Zero or more of a

  • One or more of a

  • Exactly 3 of a

  • 3 or more of a

  • Between 3 and 6 of a

  • Greedy quantifier

  • Lazy quantifier

  • Possessive quantifier

  • Start of match

  • Start of string

  • End of string

  • Start of string

  • End of string

  • Absolute end of string

  • A word boundary

  • Non-word boundary

  • Global

  • Multiline

  • Case insensitive

  • Ignore whitespace / verbose

  • Single line

  • Unicode

  • eXtra

  • Ungreedy

  • Anchor

  • Duplicate group names

  • Contents in capture group 1

  • Contents in capture group `foo`

  • Hexadecimal replacement values

  • Hexadecimal replacement values

  • Insert a tab

  • Insert a carriage return

  • Insert a newline

  • Insert a form-feed

  • Uppercase Transformation

  • Lowercase Transformation

  • Terminate any Transformation

  • A single character of: a, b or c

  • A character except: a, b or c

  • A character in the range: a-z

  • A character not in the range: a-z

  • A character in the range: a-z or A-Z

  • Any single character

  • Alternate - match either a or b

  • Any whitespace character

  • Any non-whitespace character

  • Any digit

  • Any non-digit

  • Any word character

  • Any non-word character

  • Match everything enclosed

  • Capture everything enclosed

  • Zero or one of a

  • Zero or more of a

  • One or more of a

  • Exactly 3 of a

  • 3 or more of a

  • Between 3 and 6 of a

  • Start of string

  • End of string

  • A word boundary

  • Non-word boundary

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Regex Test

A regex test is a tool that lets you test on a regular expression, which is a pattern you type into a text field. It's used to check for a specific pattern in the text. Regular expressions are a ubiquitous part of programming languages.Learn how to use regular expressions to make your everyday life easier.